1. The General Membership Meeting shall be held on the second Thursday of the month at 11:00AM for refreshments, the Business Meeting at 12:00PM, and the Program at 1:00PM.
2. The Board Meeting shall be held on the last Thursday of the month at 9:30AM. Board members attendance is required. If absent for more than two (2) consecutive meetings without a valid reason, the member may be dropped from the board.
3. Dues:
(A) The yearly dues shall be $20.00 for Active and Inactive members; for two (2) Active and Inactive members residing at the same address and receiving only one Yearbook, the yearly dues shall be $25.00; and the yearly dues shall be $6.00 for Active and Inactive Life Members. Dues renewals shall be payable by March 31st. After that date, a $5.00 late fee will be imposed.
(B) Members who fail to pay dues by the May meeting shall forfeit membership.
(C) After October 1st, dues for new members shall be one-half the annual dues amount.
(D) Dues must accompany application for membership.
4. Hostess:
Every member shall serve on the Hostess Committee during the year. If unable to serve when scheduled, the member is responsible for finding a replacement. (For a list of substitute Hostesses, contact the Hospitality/Hostess Chairman.) Refer to the “Hostess Duties” in the Yearbook for details.
5. Expenditures:
(A) An allowance of a maximum of $50.00 per member per year, with a maximum of four members per year, for attendance at an Environmental Studies, Gardening Study, Landscape Design, or Flower Show School. In return the members shall give a report to the club.
(B) Any proposed expenditure over $50.00 that has not been included in the current budget shall be presented and acted upon at a Board Meeting for approval prior to the expense being incurred.
(C) Any board approved expense over $500.00 requires two (2) signatures on the check.
(D) The current Treasurer may NOT issue a check or petty cash to themself. This action requires the signature of any other signing officer.
6. Program: If a speaker does not charge, they will be given an honorarium of $25.00.
7. Unless otherwise subjugated, the Order of Business at the Meetings should be:
Call to Order.
Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag
Garden Club of Illinois Pledge
Reading of the Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Corresponding Secretary’s Report
Report of Standing Committees
Report of Special Committees
Unfinished Business
New Business
8. Personal Information: All names, addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses of the Des Plaines Garden Club members are to be used only for Garden Club related purposes. The use of this personal information for outside business or solicitation is strictly prohibited.
9. Amendments: These standing rules may be adopted, amended, suspended, or repealed without previous notice. They remain in force from the time of adoption until they are changed or repealed. They may be amended or repealed by a majority vote if a thirty-day notice was given, or by a two-thirds vote without notice. The results of any such action by the Board shall be reported to the General Membership at the following General Meeting.