The name of this organization shall be The Des Plaines Garden Club.
The Object shall be the advancement of gardening, the promotion of civic beautification and the conservation of natural resources. This shall be a non-profit organization and shall cooperate with The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. and National Garden Clubs, Inc.
ARTICLE III – Membership
The Membership of this Club shall consist of people interested in the objectives of the Club with a willingness to work toward their accomplishment.
ARTICLE IV – Management
The control and management of this Club shall be vested in the Board of Directors, consisting of a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer and Chairpersons of Standing Committees. The President shall be a Member of the Board of Directors for one (1) year, following retirement.
ARTICLE V – Procedures
The parliamentary procedure of this Club shall be governed by “Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised”. The operating procedures for the Club shall be conducted according to the Bylaws and Standing Rules established by the Membership of this Club.
ARTICLE VI – Amendments
The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Membership present at a regular meeting, providing the amendment has been submitted at the previous meeting for discussion, and providing that a copy of the proposed amendment was furnished to the Membership, either by regular mail or by e-mail.
Amended January 4, 2021
ARTICLE I – Quorum
Section 1 At any meeting of the Club, 25% of the active Membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2 At any meeting of the Board of Directors, majority shall constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE II – Members
Section 1 Members shall be of four (4) classes: Active, Inactive, Active and Inactive Life.
a. Active Members shall pay annual dues and receive full privileges of the Club including an annual subscription to Garden Glories.
b. Inactive dues paying Members attending less than three (3) meeting a year shall be placed in the inactive class. However, when present shall have full privileges of Active Members.
c. Active Life Members who have been an Active Member for twenty-five (25) years shall be presented with a Life Membership Pin. Full Club privileges shall be given. Annual State Per Capita dues must be paid by the Active Life Member. They will receive a yearly subscription to Garden Glories.
d. Inactive Life Members who no longer are Active Life shall pay Annual State Per Capita dues. This will include the annual subscription to Garden Glories.
Section 2 The Board of Directors may revoke the membership of any individual for just cause. Any such action requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board. Before any such action, The Board shall notify the affected member the reason such action is contemplated. The affected member shall have the opportunity to state his/her case to the Board, either in person or in writing prior to any action being taken.
ARTICLE III – Meetings
Section 1 The Club year shall be April 1st through March 31st of the following year. Meetings and activities during the months of July and August shall be optional.
Section 2 The regular Business meetings and the Board meetings shall be held each month and shall include:
a. The election of Officers in March b. The Annual Business meeting in April.
c. Installation of Officers following the Annual Reports on the same day as the Annual meeting.
Section 3 Supplementary Board or regular Club meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or any five (5) members of the Board.
Section 4 Meetings to deal with personnel or membership issues shall have attendance limited to the Elected Officers.
ARTICLE IV – Finances
Section 1 The Club shall be supported by income from Membership dues and Ways and Means money raising projects that fall within the scope of the purpose of the Club and have been approved by the Members.
Section 2 A proposed budget of income and expense shall be presented to the Board of Directors at the Board meeting preceding the regular April meeting and to the regular Club meeting in April after the Annual Reports.
Section 3 The financial records shall be audited at the end of each Club year with the Recording Secretary’s records for reference before they are given to the new Treasurer.
Section 4 DUES
a. The yearly dues shall be payable at the beginning of the year April 1st. Payments received after April 31st shall include a $5.00 penalty. Failure to pay dues by the May meeting shall forfeit membership. (See Standing Rules)
b. The dues shall include a yearly subscription to Garden Glories, per capita dues to The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc., and The National Garden Clubs, Inc.
a. Only those items included in the current budget or by a majority vote of the Board of Directors may be paid out.
b. Registration fees to attend annual meeting of The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. , District IX of The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc and The National Garden Clubs, Inc. shall be paid by the Club for the President.
ARTICLE V – Officers and their Duties
Section 1 All Officers shall attend the monthly Board meeting and submit an Annual Report at the Board meeting preceding the regular March meeting, except the Treasurer and President.
a. The President shall: Preside at all General Membership meetings and at all Board meetings and shall be an ex-officio Member of all Committees except the Nominating Committee. Appoint Chairpersons of the various committees as required. Serve as advisor to the Board for one year after retirement. The President shall be kept informed of all Club activities and report thereon to the Board and the Membership as deemed necessary, or as the Board may require.
b. The First Vice-President shall: Preside in the absence of the President. Prepare accumulative Annual Report for submission to the General Membership at the April meeting. Serve as Program Chairperson. Prepare the Programs, and Program Flyer for the current year.
c. The Second Vice-President shall: Preside in the absence of the President and First Vice-President and shall act as Ways and Means Chairperson.
d. The Recording Secretary shall:
Take the minutes at each General Membership meeting and each Board meeting, retaining copies for a permanent file for each category and furnishing copies to the President. Read these minutes at the subsequent meetings if required. Keep a record of all unfinished business. Furnish to the Treasurer a record of any information from minutes needed for the annual financial audit. Maintain a copy of the Bylaws with any revisions. Answer all inquiries regarding minutes of voting results.
e. The Corresponding Secretary shall: Conduct the correspondence of the Club and shall keep a file of all correspondence sent in the name of the Club.
f. The Treasurer shall: Be the custodian of all Club funds. Keep an accurate account of all Club financial transactions in a book belonging to the Club. Collect all funds and issue all checks as required. Prepare a report monthly for presentation to the General Membership and the Board. Furnish copies of this report to the President and Recording Secretary. With input from Officers, Chairpersons and Members, prepare a proposed budget for presentation to the Board and General Membership. At the close of the fiscal year, March 31, prepare a Statement of Income and Expenses indicating actual amounts for the period. Have accounts and books audited by two Club members.
Section 3 No Officer shall hold the same office for more than one (1) two (2) year term, unless otherwise designated to be approved by the Board.
Section 4 Only Members with paid up dues and good attendance shall serve as Officers.
Section 5 The Treasurer will keep records for ten (10) years. Every five (5) years the Treasurer will make a motion to the full Membership at a general meeting that the past five (5) years be destroyed keeping only the approved budget and checkbook stubs.
Section 6 A candidate for President shall have served on the Board or as Committee Chairperson within the previous five (5) years.
Section 7 Any duty not specifically listed in Article V, Section 2 may be temporarily designated to an officer, board member or members at the discretion of the President. If the duty will be a permanent feature, it should be so designated and assigned to the appropriate officer and become a permanent part of the duties of that officer.
ARTICLE VI – Elections
Section 1 The Nominating Committee shall consist of (3) Members, (1) from the Board and (2) from the Membership, One (1) of the (3) must have served on a previous Nominating Committee. Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President with instructions for procedures of conducting the election at the General Meeting in March. No one may serve on the Nominating Committee more than two (2) successive years.
Section 2 The slate of nominees for President, Second Vice-President and Corresponding Secretary shall be presented on even years and shall be elected to serve one (1) term of two (2) years. The slate of nominees for First Vice-President, Recording Secretary and Treasurer shall be presented on odd years and shall be elected to serve one (1) term of two (2) years.
Section 3 Slate of Officers shall be presented at the February meeting. The Officers shall be elected by ballot at the March meeting; however, if there is but one (1) candidate for any office, election may be by voice.
They shall assume their respective offices immediately after installation. Outgoing Officers will continue to serve as advisors through June.
Section 4 If an Officer resigns, the resignation must be in writing. Vacancies occurring among the elective officers shall be filled by a vote of the Board at any regular Board meeting and reported to the Club at the following regular Club meeting. Such appointment shall be valid until the next election.
Section 5 Filling a vacancy for a period of eight (8) months shall constitute a full term.
ARTICLE VII – Standing Committees
Section 1 It shall be the responsibility of the Committee Chairpersons to:
Serve as Members of the Board of Directors and attend meetings. The Chairperson shall appoint an Assistant if one is needed. Assistant should attend meeting with Chairperson. Secure approval of the Board of Directors on all plans and decisions before work is carried out. The Chairperson shall prepare an Annual Report, submitting it to the Board meeting preceding the regular March meeting. It shall include details concerning the work and accomplishments of the Committee and any income and expense involved. See that all records are up-to-date and passed on to successor. Outgoing Chairpersons will continue to serve as advisors through June. If a Committee Chairperson is unable to attend a Board Meeting or is temporarily unable to perform his/her duties, the Chairperson may, with the President’s approval, appoint an Assistant Chairperson to serve and vote in his/her stead, until such time as the Chairperson is able to resume his/her duties.
a. Awards and Grants: Seeks out and applies for any awards or grants for which the Club might be eligible. Encourages Club members to search for any potential awards or grants and bring to the attention of the Awards and Grants Chairperson.
b. Civic and Conservation: Acts as liaison with local government. Reviews projects for the development or improvement of the community and report on same to the Membership. Keeps Club advised of projects or legislation affecting conservation.
c. Environmental Issues: Keeps Membership informed of local garbage pickups, watering restrictions, branch and leaf pickups, hydrant flushing, local water purity, hazardous waste collections, and other environmental concerns. Each month presents to the Membership a short lecture on locals or global environmental issues.
d. Fun with Flowers: Guides the membership in creating arrangements, both for fun and to introduce the requirements as designated by The Garden Clubs of Illinois. Informs Membership of dates of Flower Shows.
e. Garden Therapy: Promotes and encourages Members to teach residents of a senior citizen center and/or apartments, institutions for the handicapped and learning disabled, nursing homes, hospitals, churches and even a house bound neighbor how they can participate in gardening in their environment.
f. Historian: Keeps an accurate record of all Club activities throughout the year, securing pictures, awards and memorabilia whenever possible, and writes a complete resume of each event.
g. Horticulture: Each month provides the Membership pertinent information regarding culture of plants or related subjects. Also provides information regarding exhibits, shows and gardens in the area.
h. Hospitality: Selects Hostesses for meetings. Assures adequate supplies, table layout and any special equipment needs. Monitors for custodial gratuity. (See Standing Rules.)
i. Membership: Promotes membership and the interests of the Club. Maintains a listing of Club members and all of their pertinent information. Records meeting attendance and any additional information regarding each meeting. Introduces guests and new members. Submits forms as required to The Garden Clubs of Illinois. (See Standing Rules.) The membership chairman shall inform the President and treasurer of the current paid membership.
j. Photographer: Takes pictures at all Club functions. Takes pictures of new Members, speakers, and other items of interest.
k. Program: Arranges for interesting information, entertainment relative to gardening and related subjects for all General Membership meetings with the approval of the Board of Directors. Remind speakers before dates scheduled and send a thank you note promptly after the meeting. Speakers may charge a fee and sell products related to the program. Prepare and have printed a Program flyer listing programs for the year to be given to individuals interested in the Club and guests.
l. Publicity: Writes and submits news releases to local press of all meetings and other special events, giving highlights of the program function and/or speaker.
m. Remembrance: Sends cards or plants to a sick or bereaved Member or their immediate family.
n. Scholarship: Offers a scholarship to an individual for study relating to horticulture, gardening ,or conservation. Amount determined by the Board of Directors.
o. Special Events: Arranges tours, field trips or other special events as requested by the Board of Directors.
p. Telephone Tree: Arranges to contact members as needed between meetings regarding illness, deaths, or changes in programs.
q. Ways and Means: Is in charge of all Ways and Means fund raising projects for the Club, including meeting raffles, plant and bake sales, Holiday fund raisers, Shop & Share or other income producing ventures.
r. Yearbook Secures all changes to the current yearbook. Including the following. Changes at the National, regional, state , and district level. Current membership totals. Des Plaines Garden Club officers, and committee chairs. All other pages are reviewed and updated with current year information. The member section shall include a photo, and all contact information for each member.
s. Youth: Presents information to schools about gardening and horticulture activities. Promotes ongoing projects of The Garden Clubs of Illinois, Inc. and The National Garden Clubs, Inc. as appropriate. Promotes local community events for youth and families with a gardening or horticulture related project.
t. Website Chairman shall secure and maintain domain name. Update changes to officers, committee chairs as appropriate. Add information deemed appropriate for sharing to the public in general. Maintain a members only section with proprietary information.
Section 3 Special Chairperson (s) shall be appointed as necessary: i.e. By Laws, Parliamentarian and Flower Show.
Section 4 Any Committee that has performed no duties within a two-year period shall be considered terminated unless otherwise dictated by the President or the board.
Section 5 Any special , ad-hoc Committee that has successfully discharged its duties will be disbanded unless otherwise directed by the President or the Board.
Section 1 The Bylaws shall be reviewed at the beginning of every President’s two (2) year term in office.
Section 2 The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, providing the amendment has been furnished to the Board of Directors, either by regular mail
or by e-mail.
Amended January 4 , 2021
Des Plaines IL Garden Club
PO Box 1461, Des Plaines, IL 60017
Copyright © 2024 Des Plaines IL Garden Club - All Rights Reserved.
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Our Annual Fall Luncheon and Fundraiser was a great success with The Basket Raffles. Big board, a Silent Auction, and Bake Sales. This year, we had the addition of a 50/50 raffle, with the proceeds going to our scholarship fund! We had a record of 198 in attendance.
Another Awesome Job!
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